In the article "South Korean Education Ranks High, But It’s The Kids Who Pay" by David Santandreu Calonge, states that authoritarian parenting method is very detrimental to children and gives them mental stress. I'm not totally against the authoritarian method, because I think there are still some advantages of authoritarian parenting method which I find quite effective in educating children. Mr. Calonge said that Tiger Parenting (authoritarian parenting often in Korean and some Asian cultures) is less effective than a supportive parenting environment. “To be a South Korean (Asian) child ultimately is not about freedom, personal choice or happiness; it is about production, performance and obedience,” He said. In my personal experience who lives in Javanese society, we have the same values too. Javanese have the principle that obeying the choices of parents is the key to happiness for the children’s future. Authoritarian parenting is also com...
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